Imus' Mistake
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Constans Morgan
2007-04-10 08:25:56 UTC
It was racist.
no it wasn't.
It wasn't even the least bit funny.
it was funny as hell!
It wasn't supposed to be funny.
It was supposed to be cruel and disparaging.
Rutgers had all local players.
A lot of fans were rooting for the team, and
what was said was hurtful to them too.
It's not about Sharpton or Jessie Jackson, it's about Imus.
Sharpton is envious of Imus' nationally syndicated show.
Sharpton's utterances resonate in his community,
because even when they are outright lies, there
is truth to them.
NBC and CBS are hoping their two-week gambit
will allow this firestorm to blow over.
NBC and CBS would have fired Imus in a
minute, if it were not so difficult to get ratings
in the morning.
thats why ham radio is so great. its a white hobby.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
John Smith I
2007-04-10 12:53:16 UTC
Post by Constans Morgan
no it wasn't.
It wasn't even the least bit funny.
it was funny as hell!
That is why racial pride is so important, you can ignore silly remarks
about your race instead of feeling guilty for being your race. This
says more about the "offended" than the supposed "offender."

Probably only "Al not to sharp sharpton" is offended though ... but
then, he has reason to be offended. Only, in his case, change "nappy
headed" to "empty headed!"

Mike Smith
2007-04-10 14:27:10 UTC
On Tue, 10 Apr 2007 03:25:56 -0500, "Constans Morgan"
NBC and CBS are hoping their two-week gambit
will allow this firestorm to blow over.
NBC and CBS would have fired Imus in a
minute, if it were not so difficult to get ratings
in the morning.
NBC/ABC should replace Imus with Al "Not So" Sharpton. That would be
the most PC and right thing to do. Imus could then kiss some Opie
and Anthony ass and get on their XM network. Howie Stern would be
happy because he would still have Imus to talk about since he sold out
to Bubba the Love Sponge and the other dregs of the radio society. et
al., Imus would be happy to still be able to work in radio, NBC/ABC
will be happy even though the Sharpton show probably draws a share
lower than Air America, Sharpton will never be happy so it doesn't
matter. The media would be happy because they still have this train
wreck to talk about.
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Pro Shop at Home
2007-04-11 02:21:01 UTC
Imus is stupid, but not racists. Al Sharpton is stupid and a low life Getto
Nigger and a RACISTS.

Fuck Network Television and the morons that run it.

ho ho
Post by Constans Morgan
It was racist.
no it wasn't.
It wasn't even the least bit funny.
it was funny as hell!
It wasn't supposed to be funny.
It was supposed to be cruel and disparaging.
Rutgers had all local players.
A lot of fans were rooting for the team, and
what was said was hurtful to them too.
It's not about Sharpton or Jessie Jackson, it's about Imus.
Sharpton is envious of Imus' nationally syndicated show.
Sharpton's utterances resonate in his community,
because even when they are outright lies, there
is truth to them.
NBC and CBS are hoping their two-week gambit
will allow this firestorm to blow over.
NBC and CBS would have fired Imus in a
minute, if it were not so difficult to get ratings
in the morning.
thats why ham radio is so great. its a white hobby.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-04-12 16:14:36 UTC
I think Imus will come out on top with all this BS> Watch he will be
offered a twenty million sign up on satellite radio. More people will
listen to him than listen to and watch MSNBC, CBS radio and all the others.
God bless the first amendment and pursuit of happiness! Screw all the others
that don't believe in them.
John Smith I
2007-04-12 16:23:23 UTC
Post by granitegriz
I think Imus will come out on top with all this BS> Watch he will be
offered a twenty million sign up on satellite radio. More people will
listen to him than listen to and watch MSNBC, CBS radio and all the others.
God bless the first amendment and pursuit of happiness! Screw all the others
that don't believe in them.
Imus will remain well. Unfortunately, the offended idiots will remain
stupid idiots--a win/lose situation. 8-(

2007-04-12 16:30:55 UTC
On Thu, 12 Apr 2007 09:23:23 -0700, John Smith I
Post by John Smith I
Post by granitegriz
I think Imus will come out on top with all this BS> Watch he will be
offered a twenty million sign up on satellite radio. More people will
listen to him than listen to and watch MSNBC, CBS radio and all the others.
God bless the first amendment and pursuit of happiness! Screw all the others
that don't believe in them.
Imus will remain well. Unfortunately, the offended idiots will remain
stupid idiots--a win/lose situation. 8-(
oh be fair it does look like Imus is suffering a reserval of fortune
right now although he is likely to end up doing at least ok in the end
Post by John Smith I
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Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
John Smith I
2007-04-13 03:09:03 UTC
Well, Imus was fired. Let's see who hires Imus now, bet it won't be
long and bet he is offered more money.

The American people only lose here, free speech is chipped away at, and
the agendas of jesse jackson and al-not-too-sharp-sharpton prevail. It
has taken me a long, long time to realize exactly how many idiots are in
this world, nothing short of amazing ...

2007-04-13 03:51:41 UTC
On Thu, 12 Apr 2007 20:09:03 -0700, John Smith I
Post by John Smith I
Well, Imus was fired. Let's see who hires Imus now, bet it won't be
long and bet he is offered more money.
I agree he will be hired again

not sure if he will get more money or not in the short term liekly in
the long term you are right

in the shorterms I thin he will suffer some pain
Post by John Smith I
The American people only lose here, free speech is chipped away at, and
the agendas of jesse jackson and al-not-too-sharp-sharpton prevail. It
has taken me a long, long time to realize exactly how many idiots are in
this world, nothing short of amazing ...
well JS as the trarget of some of these folks for years I can
understand why you have taken awhile
Post by John Smith I
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